To anyone else who's dying for some warmer weather and a fruity drink in hand, this week's freebie is for you! It's ready for iPhone and desktop!

Desktop | iPhone 4 | iPhone 5
No more Google Drive! Just click the link and right click to download.
At this point, I've basically just been creating freebies for the devices I own. (I have an iPhone and iMac, so all the freebies I create are kind of optimized for those!) If any of you girls are Android users or have other devices you'd like freebies for, I'd be happy to start offering those as well. Just let me know if you're interested!
Enjoy! And think warm thoughts...thoughts of spring and summer, and beaches, and fun drinks with umbrellas!

thank you for sharing this :)
Of course! I love making these for my own computers and phone, so it makes sense to share!