My Family:

My best friend, completely. Have you ever felt so connected to someone that you can be thinking the exact same (random, crazy) thing at the same time, and then you both say it at exactly the same time? That’s us. We were best friends before we became college sweethearts, and it’s only grown deeper over the last 6 years. He’s my partner in crime, my favorite friend, and the one person who comes closest to truly getting me.
My best friend, completely. Have you ever felt so connected to someone that you can be thinking the exact same (random, crazy) thing at the same time, and then you both say it at exactly the same time? That’s us. We were best friends before we became college sweethearts, and it’s only grown deeper over the last 6 years. He’s my partner in crime, my favorite friend, and the one person who comes closest to truly getting me.
Our goofy, bright, compassionate firstborn. She’s 4 and already a mommy-in-training. She cares for her friends and family in such a sweet way, and she’s incredibly insightful for such a small girl. She has a strong personality (apple=tree!) and will no doubt be a force of destruction when she hits those crazy teen years.
Our goofy, bright, compassionate firstborn. She’s 4 and already a mommy-in-training. She cares for her friends and family in such a sweet way, and she’s incredibly insightful for such a small girl. She has a strong personality (apple=tree!) and will no doubt be a force of destruction when she hits those crazy teen years.

Our sweet, sensitive, mischievous boy. He decided that he is a big boy, now that he's almost 2, and that he's going to start acting like it. But when he’s not exploring and making a mess, he’s a cuddler and loves to be loved. He adores his sister and wants to do everything she does.
Our sweet, sensitive, mischievous boy. He decided that he is a big boy, now that he's almost 2, and that he's going to start acting like it. But when he’s not exploring and making a mess, he’s a cuddler and loves to be loved. He adores his sister and wants to do everything she does.