I’ve been a follower of several blogs for awhile, and I’ve discovered a lot of new blogs lately. I’m noticing a lot of themes within them lately. Overall, I’m picking up on a trend of emboldened women (especially those in entrepreneurial fields) and the refusal to “play small.” Taking risks and shaking things up in a big way is a common theme, as is setting resolutions that are less concrete and more based on general concepts. These are all ideas I hopped on board with starting in late 2013, after a couple of nudges (or shoves) from life let me know that I’ve been shrinking myself to accommodate other people for awhile now, and it has got to stop if I want to achieve my goals and build my empire.
Now, part of these recurring themes circling the creative entrepreneur community might be due in part to difficulty coming up with original blogging topics, and thus the same general concepts get recycled, with each voice adding a little something. However, I am choosing to believe it has more to do with a global change that is taking place. For me, I feel like a completely different person than I was two months ago, and it’s all due to a change in mindset. I feel like this is also a collective thing; more and more people are seeing the same truths I am. We’re feeling empowered because we’ve realized that we hold more power than we think. We’re choosing to believe and invest in ourselves, and it makes us want to rock the boat a little. We’re realizing that we are fed up with complacency and simply wishing, and it’s a time for action, to see how far we can really go without self-imposed limitations.
We’re also realizing that we do not have to be everything to everybody. Sometimes we of the perfectionist nature create plans that are somewhat unrealistic because there is simply not enough time to do everything perfectly. I am giving myself permission to be more spontaneous and a bit more selfish again this year. Of course, I will always have a heart for others—that will never change. But I have to remember to take care of myself, and that I shouldn’t give people more power over me than they deserve.
I find it pretty cool that so many other women are echoing similar statements at exactly the same time. Smart bunch, we are. This is our year of ACHIEVABLE happiness!
Are you ready for change to come your way? What are your 2014 goals? What steps are you taking to get there?

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