I have a habit of fearing failure. Big time.
In the past, I’ve let that define what I do and what risks I take. I’ve been all too willing to play it safe, because change frightened me. The idea of failure just downright terrified me. I would plan and dream, in my head where it was all safe, but when it came time to take action—I just couldn’t. I couldn’t do anything more than a very tiny, very calculated step, nothing that could crush me if it didn’t go exactly to plan.
But isn’t that so boring?
I tend to be a very bold, very passionate person, but I’ve developed this nasty habit of playing small over the last few years or so. I’ve let myself believe the lies that have been communicated to me in some way or another—lies like: “You should have started earlier. It’s too late to catch up now.” “You could never achieve what some of your favorite icons already have.” And the most ridiculous one: “You’re just not good enough. Why bother?”
Finding myself fired up at the end of 2013, wanting to finally make my dreams into a reality and wanting to start living the life I feel I’m meant for, I started breaking myself down, getting to the root of all this garbage that seemed to be standing in my way. Through a lot of blog reading (especially blogs geared toward creative entrepreneurs), I discovered that so many other people feel exactly the way I do. Because isn’t it so easy? We may have a group of 30 people cheering us on, but there’s always that one voice of doubt (either someone else, or just ourselves) and it’s enough to nearly negate all the positive support around us.
Our only choice is to make sure we are surrounded by positivity from every corner, and it begins with our own minds.
2014 is my year to be:
A person of my word
Unabashedly accepting of and secure in myself
It all starts and ends right there. 2014 is a year of change; I can feel it. This time, I won’t be afraid.Diving In!
Endless gratitude toward those who have encouraged, supported, and befriended me. I always remember who has been loyal and kind to me.
Join me on this journey! I’m breaking down my own walls and pushing fear out of the way to get to where I know I should be, and I LOVE meeting people who are doing the same! Tell me: what has held you back in the past? How do you get past it?

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